40+ Hilarious Cat Memes That Will Make Your Day Purrrrrrrrfect!

By Alexandra / June, 22, 2023

People either love cats or dogs; there is no in-between! It's like a never-ending debate about who is a better pet and friend and both teams put out some excellent points! But this article isn't about the debate; it's about cats and how they rule the world and let us tell you we cat people are pretty passionate about our little furry friends. 

We know that cats make the world better and quite like Beyonce run it too and we're just living in it. So if you're a dog person no hard feelings but this article is all about celebrating our love for our meow-tastic little friends. We all know that sometimes it's hard to express our love to our cats but luckily there are tons of memes out there that perfectly capture our feelings. So get ready to share some laughs with your kitty because we've got 45 hilarious memes for you to enjoy!

1 1. Selfcare

All cats consider themselves predators and rulers of any ecosystem they're in. From the ones lounging in your living room to the big ones in the jungle they apparently rule us. But being the boss can be tiring hunting scaring the rats away being moody and whatnot! 

Even cats need some "me time" to relax. That's why self-care is crucial and cats are experts at it! We should totally follow their lead and take a break to stretch breathe deeply and recharge. Trust us; your body and mind will thank you for it!

2 2. The wrath of the Christmas tree

Hey have you ever noticed how humans have this wacky tradition of dressing up trees in December? And then they leave them all fancy until January or even spring if they're feeling extra lazy? But here's the thing - if you're a cat owner good luck keeping those decorations up before December 24th. Because let's face it cats freaking love those shiny baubles! There's just something about a Christmas tree that makes them go wild. 

They'll knock the whole thing over break the fragile ornaments and send tinsel flying everywhere. It's a real mess. But hey I've got a little secret for you - apparently some cats are afraid of tangerines. So maybe that's worth a shot if you're desperate to keep your tree in one piece this year!

3 3. A musical love story

OMG you just have to check out this Tweet! It's hilarious. It's like the universe gave us one nice surprise with these two cats and their fur markings that make them so special. One of them is all edgy with spots and patterns that make it look like it has a skull on its chest. The other one has these cute markings in the shape of a heart on its chest and lil' whiskers. 

And guess what? Someone made a joke out of it by combining the two odd cats and captioning it with a lyric from an Avril Lavigne song! "He was a punk; she did ballet; what more can I say." Pure genius right?

4 4. I need my space

If your cat could talk or read we know for a fact that you'd totally be showing them this meme right? But yeah we don't think that it's that good an idea. Your cat would probably be like "Dude stop being so lame and go make some friends." 

Cats like their space and don't want clingy humans. In fact some cats got depressed during the pandemic because they weren't used to having people around all the time. So yeah keep this meme to yourself. And save your relationship with your cat 'cause it's not them; it's you!

5 5. Don't run away again!

As cat lovers we all know that even cats need their alone time; they can't be clingy and gooey all the time! So when they get a chance and need some space they'll bolt into the great outdoors to find some peace and quiet if they can't get it at home. But don't worry they'll always come back home- especially since you bring them yummy food from time to time and it's just easier. 

So while you're grabbing your favorite pizza make sure your furry friend doesn't sneak away for some alone time. And thinking of this scenario just makes us wonder whether this statue is also inspired by cat owners trying to prevent their cats from getting away while they get pizza. Well we don't know the real story behind it but it sure does look relatable!

6 6. Joker, is that you?

Yet another post dedicated to cats hating on Christmas trees. It's like a never-ending saga! And if your cat saw this meme it would totally be like "Yup that's me!" You've gotta admit it's pretty cool when they finally take down that towering nemesis that has pokey leaves glass balls and lights that flicker all the time. 

It's like they're saying "I am the boss!" You could even put that Lonely Island song lyric on this meme: "Cool cats don't stare at explosions they just walk away" just like the Joker did in Batman after creating a massive accident.

7 7. Coincidence?

You just have to see this pic! It's already funny but the caption? HILARIOUS! Do you know that meme where they show weird coincidences that seem like the Matrix is glitching? Like two peeps wearing the same outfit or having the same haircut? Well get this there's a cat in a box that looks exactly like the cat inside the box! Glitch much?! 

And the caption says "his coming was foretold in the accent murals." 

8 8. Picasso

Have you ever come across someone who's just born with a talent for something? Like they're a pro at singing but never attended a class or they learned to play an instrument all by themselves but they work a boring job like accounting? 

But wait hold up! We're about to flip the script. This person's mom is a freaking disaster when it comes to drawing. Imagine drawing an egg with eyes even when you have such a beautiful cat model in front of you. We're not sure if even cats would get it 'cause they think they're like queen bees who rule the world. 

9 9. The best cat toy

We saw a kitty in a box that had a picture of a kitty in a box on it. Mind blown! But you know what's even cooler? Cats are obsessed with boxes. Seriously you can spend a fortune on fancy toys but they'll always choose the box. 

Or maybe the Christmas tree if it's that time of year. It's a meme-worthy truth; cats just can't resist a good box. And it looks like the creator of these boxes is also a cat owner and knows how cats would just appreciate this box and go all gaga over it.

10 10. Cat whisperer

It's already the end of January 2023 and we're all feeling a little bummed out that our New Year's resolutions are starting to lose steam. But don't worry; we've got a new goal for you to tackle! It may not be something you can achieve in just one year but it's worth giving it a shot. How about making it your mission to become every cat's best friend? 

Yup you heard me right. If you saw The Secret Life of Pets 2 you know that this goal can bring some serious happiness into your life. So let's go already; it isn't easy to become the ultimate cat whisperer!

11 11. Hello professor

We know how cats are all about boxes and Christmas trees and how they couldn't care less about store-bought toys. But then this black kitty came along and totally flipped and changed the game you see! This little rebel doesn't follow the typical cat rulebook. 

Nope instead of toys he's all about a pocket Thesaurus. Who would have thought?! Maybe he's just tryna beef up his vocab game? Either way we're impressed by the little furry professor in the making.

12 12. Hail the cats

Have you ever seen those bougie gates with lions on either side? They're pretty rare but they do exist. But let's be real most of us can't afford that kind of luxury. So what's the solution? Check out this meme! Instead of lions we've got two cool cats hanging out in front of the basement. 

Not too shabby huh? The person who posted this woke up to find their furry friends on guard duty but if you want your cats to do the same you'll have to give 'em some training and maybe they'll also be your faithful protectors who meow their way into any battle and scratch the lives out of a thief.

13 13. Cat-meditation

Have you heard of Zen? It's a cool Japanese type of Buddhism that's all about chillin' out through meditation. Nowadays when we think of Zen we think of relaxation and peace. Kinda like how a cat lives their best life am I right? But did you know you can use your cat's chill vibes to help you relax too? 

Yup it's totally possible! Let me tell you how. Turn your cat into a Zen garden! Trust me your cat won't mind and you might just find some inner peace too. It looks like a pretty fun activity for everyone involved if you ask me.

14 14. The Christmas tree that cats love

Have you ever noticed how cats and Christmas trees just don't get along? They're like mortal enemies or something! But guess what? One cool cat lover found a way to make it work. You might have to give up on having a perfectly coordinated tree but who cares when you can have some funky and fresh decorations that your kitties will love? 

Just throw some cat beds around the tree and you'll have yourself a chill and harmonious Christmas that you and your cat both enjoy!

15 15. Two families!

Have you noticed how we hardly know our neighbors these days? Especially if you're living in a big city you might not even know who's living next door. But when you spot a "for sale" sign in your hood it's natural to feel curious and check it out right? 

Well this one person did just that and guess what? They found out they share a cat with their neighbor! Yep those furry creatures do whatever they please so you better be ready to be bombed by the news that you're not the only one in your cat's life.

16 16. Where's Waldo?

Hey have you seen this pic with four cats? It's so funny! We were looking at it for a while trying to find the fourth cat but it's hidden so well you'd think it's a ninja! The Twitter account that posted this is amazing; they've got hilarious captions that make the pictures even better. 

Without them we wouldn't have spotted the sneaky little kitty. Can you imagine what a real cat would think of it? They'd probably be like "Meh I can do that in my sleep."

17 17. I tried...

Being the chosen cuddle buddy by an animal is a big deal; it's the only kind of approval we crave for. You gotta stay put once they pick you 'cause you don't wanna risk them getting up and leaving. It's like a fragile balance you know? 

So when you see your furry friend on the bed you gotta sneak in there real smooth-like to keep the cuddles going. But man it's always a bummer when they decide to bounce. Your cat might not care but we sure do.

18 18. Pretty clingy

So you know how cats are usually pretty independent? Well when they do decide to pick a favorite human it's a total honor! But be warned they can get super clingy. Like kiss-your-personal-space-goodbye clingy. 

This lucky person got chosen by this lovely cat but now it's more like "our personal space" than "my personal space." If you've got a clingy cat you'll totally relate to this hilarious meme that's all like "Let me in!" RIP privacy am I right? 

19 19. Mufasa, not this time

Hey have you watched The Lion King? Bet you cried during that one big betrayal scene. If not you must have a heart of stone! LOL. But seriously even cats on the Internet recreate that moment and it's kinda funny. 

Some do it on purpose but this one was totally accidental. We would've laughed if it didn't bring back all those sad memories of Simba crying over Mufasa after Scar's betrayal. Let's just hope the cats on the right had a happier ending to their story.

20 20. Cheer me up

Pets are awesome! They have this magical power to cheer you up when you're feeling down. They'll come and snuggle with you give you a cuddle and just make everything better. It's like they know exactly what you need you know? 

And let's be real who wouldn't feel better after being chosen as a cat's cuddle buddy? Cats are notoriously picky so when they pick you it's like a major win. Boom - sadness gone!

21 21. Cute cat pants

Hey have you ever thought about how cats would look like rocking pants? Would they wear them on all four legs or just the back two? Check out this cat wearing pants on its back legs and even it's tail! So cute right? 

This Twitter account really knows how to make things even more fun with their captions. I mean this kitty was already adorable but now we can't get over its tiny pants!

22 22. I know my cat well!

Have you ever noticed that when you hang with someone for a long time you start acting like them? Like you start saying the same phrases or even finish each other's sentences! But have you ever wondered if that happens with pets too? 

Check out this hilarious meme where this human predicts their cat's next move like a boss. They wrote "My cat will try to eat this" on a board and guess what? The cat tries to eat it! Talk about personality merging am I right? 

23 23. Cats can get away with anything

We have all had someone bug us so bad that we just wanted to give them a good slap right? Yeah we've all been there. But you know what? Violence is never the answer. So even though you might have wanted to you kept your cool (hopefully). 

But here's the thing: if you're a cat you can totally let loose and slap whoever or whatever you want. Humans might scold you and say "Bad kitty!" but let's be real - there aren't any serious consequences. You'll still get all the cuddles and treats you could ever want. Lucky cats!

24 24. College roommates

All cat lovers gotta admit cats are pretty chill and independent compared to dogs. Meaning dogs need to go on walks and stuff right? So cat owners often feel like our feline friends are just our roomies. We never know if they're still in the house or off on some wild adventure. 

Heck they might even get adopted by the neighbor who's selling their house (yup it's happened!). But that's just the fun of having a cat am I right? The trill just never ends!

25 25. Desk accessory, nothing else

Remember that old meme about office decor? Yeah it's been a while since we've seen a real office hasn't it? Back in the day people used to go into this thing called "the office" and decorate their "office desk." It was a big deal adding a little personality to a boring corporate environment. 

And let's not forget when we were all working from home a while back - good times right? Unfortunately not all offices were down with cats just chilling on the desk so cats were a no-go as desk decor. Still they're pretty darn cute.

26 26. What cat type is your cat?

Hey there cat lovers! We've got a meme that your furry little angel friend might just purr over. You know those "two types of people in the world" memes that are all over the Internet? Well this one is totally tailor-made for cats. Or is it "certified" for cats? Who knows we might be overthinking it. But - there are two types of cats in this world! 

Some cats love to be petted all over while others are picky about where they like to be touched. Which type does your cat fall under? We're all about the cuddly kitties over here!

27 27. Cat bean harvest

Have you ever noticed how freakin' cute those little beans on a cat's paws are? Like we could just die from the adorableness. But get this - what if a cat had EXTRA beans on their paws? Mind blown right? Well we found this little orange kitty that's got bonus beans and we just wanna squish 'em all! Squishy squish. 

And then we saw this hilarious tweet from "memes I wish I could tag my cat in" talking about a "bean harvest" - comedy gold my friends. They're killin' it with the memes. 10 out of 10 would recommend.

28 28. Not the pest I thought it was

Sometimes you just gotta accept that some questions don't have an easy peasy lemon squeezy answers. You might be thinking that knowing the answer will make you sleep like a baby but that ain't always true. Take this one person for instance; they were wondering what kind of pest munches only the tips of plants. 

They thought it was some nasty bacteria but it turns out it's a pest that's tough to get rid of and they might not even wanna kick it to the curb because these furry little babies are just too adorable for that.

29 29. NOOOOOO!

Hey have you ever witnessed a black cat freaking out on a skeleton? Trust us; it's a sight you don't wanna miss! So here's the deal: that poor kitty was hangry because it didn't get fed on time. I mean who can blame it? 

We've all been there am I right? But hold up let's talk about that skeleton on the bed. What kind of job do you have that requires a spooky prop like that? We wanna know! Maybe the cat thought her lovely parent died or they were just as scared to see a human skeleton ghost as we would be too!

30 30. Who did it?

This caption is just too hilarious to be ignored! If cats could get down with memes (and speak human) they'd be all over this one no doubt. The pic shows a busted TV with a sneaky cat lurking behind it. 

The caption reads "Detective Mittens investigates who could have knocked the TV over." Classic! Who's the culprit? Definitely not Mittens - he's just as clueless as you and me.

31 31. Sleep anywhere, at any time!

Have you ever heard of someone buying something for their cat and it turned out to be a total flop? I mean seriously who hasn't? But let me tell you this cat is not your typical cat. Well have you ever seen a cat that doesn't use a bed? Yeah we haven't either. 

But this cat doesn't give a hoot about stereotypes. Nope instead of snoozing in a cozy bed this little furball prefers to catch some Z's in a dustpan! Yup you heard that right - a DUSTPAN! Maybe this kitty is just being polite and shedding its fur directly into the pan. Who knows? But one thing's for sure this cat is definitely one-of-a-kind!

32 32. Paw hole

We all know our furry buds would rather snack on our grub than their boring ol' pet food. Well who wouldn't want to indulge in some human food every once in a while right? But get this @memesiwish on Twitter has a wild idea - those little holes in pizza boxes? 

Apparently they're made just for our feline friends to stick their paws in and grab a slice! Umm it could be true; just take a look at this pic. Who knew pizza boxes could be so paw-some?

33 33. OUR water!

Have you seen those hilarious "your/our" memes? We're totally obsessed with 'em! And listen up cat lovers; we've got a perfect meme for you. So picture this: you pour yourself a glass of water and your furry friend takes a sip and declares "OUR water." 

Aww sharing is caring right? And let's be real pets always think the grass is greener on the other side so of course your water is gonna taste better. It's like forbidden water which makes it extra spicy. Meow!

34 34. Cow the cat

Hey there our fellow cat lovers! You know how there's always a debate between cat people and dog people right? Well this article is just for us crazy cat people. And let us tell you there's one thing we're not crazy about - cat breeds. 

Unlike dog owners who obsess over the exact mix of their pooch we cat owners couldn't care less. That's why this hilarious meme is perfect for us. It even classifies the breed as "cow"! There are so many different versions of this meme but this one had us laughing out loud.

35 35. Cat wine is the new future

We have all had those days when we just wanted to share a glass of wine with our furry little friends. That sounds like a wild idea right? But hold up; we're not talking about giving your cat alcohol; that's a big no-no. However we stumbled upon an interesting company that's working on a recipe for cat-friendly wine. 

Crazy right? So imagine chilling with your cat sipping on some wine and having a good ol' time. But be warned your kitty might spill some red wine on your couch so watch out!

36 36. The art we never knew we needed

Remember that mom who tried to draw a cat and it turned out hilarious? (Go back to #8 if you forgot it's all good.) Well we think we have found her again! Can you tell? We definitely can. But hold up; she's stepped up her game this time. 

We got some legs ears and even a nose! Plus there are some flowers and leaves in the background adding some extra flair. Let's just hope this kitty didn't escape out of the house 'cause it's looking pretty dang cute.

37 37. A Day in the Life of a bougie cat

You need to check out this cool pic of a cat who knows how to live the high life! This kitty ain't settling for no cheap toys or beds - it's all about the luxury baby! 

The caption says the owner works hard all day to give their fur baby the best life possible and let us tell you this cat is definitely feeling the love. So if you're a fellow cat owner don't worry - your furry friend can totally appreciate the good life too!

38 38. Nap buddy

Being chosen by a cat is a total honor! Who doesn't love snuggles on the couch with a cute little cat who's super excited to see you right? And let's be real; it's pretty cool to be loved by a creature that's usually so independent. 

If your cat chooses you as their favorite they might even fall asleep on you - talk about a bonding moment! Cats love a cozy spot which is why they'll settle on your laptop but if they snooze on you you might wake up to their adorable little nose in your face. So cute!

39 39. Which cat am I?

Did you know that cats basically tamed themselves? Yup they were like why bother hunting when we can just kick back and let the humans do it? But if they gotta fend for themselves no biggie - they'll just go back to their wild ways and hunt like champs. 

And that's why it's hilarious when some pet cats are living the high life only chowing down on fancy wet food or tuna. Well come on they're not even fully domesticated!

40 40. What is happening!!!!

You need to check this pic out! It's straight-up chaos and that's what makes it hilarious. No caption is needed; it just speaks for itself. But do you think your cat would understand it? We can barely explain it ourselves! 

Here's the lowdown: there are two pissed-off ginger cats - one's real and the other on a sweater. And all three of them look like they're thinking "What the heck am I doing here?

41 41. Harvey's home! Harvey's Tree!

Dude have you met Harvey? He's seriously one cool cat. He's so awesome that he gets his own mini Christmas tree to play with. And seriously he's totally entranced by it. Want to knock it over? Go for it man. It's all Harvey's! Looks like there's a way to keep cats and Christmas trees from clashing. 

Either make the tree into a cozy spot for your cat or get them their own little tree. If you try it out hit us up and let us know how it goes.

42 42. We just can't get enough

Do you all just need to see this picture? It's so freakin' cute; we can't even handle it! This little kitten is all wrapped up in her cozy blanket and we just wanna snuggle with her all night long. And maybe sip on some cat wine while we're at it? 

But seriously how can one picture be this adorable?! Her blanket matches her face perfectly and those big green eyes are just too much. We're literally dying over here! Someone needs to attach that "it's so fluffy I'm gonna die" meme to this ASAP.

43 43. Mom, I need help

You know what's the struggle for anyone in their twenties (or even thirties)? Making doctor's appointments! Can we all agree that moms should be contracted to handle this duty for eternity? Seriously!! 

We have apps for just about everything under the sun but no one has come up with an app where your mom can call the doctor and make appointments for you. Come on app developers! We need this in our lives ASAP.

44 44. An artist doesn't follow a schedule

Have you seen that Twitter account @memesiwish? They asked their followers what they'd shame their cat for. We think cats are already perfect so we wouldn't shame them for anything…yet. But this one person shamed their cat for "performing the opera." 

Can you imagine a cat singing opera? We're kinda curious but maybe not at 4:30 in the morning. Artists are just so unpredictable; they don't follow our schedule. Maybe we'll catch a cat opera performance at a better time.

45 45. Our sink

Ahh it looks like we've come to the end of our meme journey. But don't worry if you want more laughs just go and check out the Twitter account "memes I wish I could tag my cat in." Our last meme is a hilarious reminder that cats rule the roost. They do what they want when they want like this cat chillin' in the sink. 

The caption? "Your sink? More like OUR sink." Classic. Thanks for kicking it with us and enjoy the rest of your day!