Foods For Fatty Liver Care
As the name makes clear excessive drinking increases your likelihood of getting alcoholic fatty liver disease. If the drinking problem is left untreated for too long the liver will eventually fail and shut down.
In the less extreme case non-alcoholic fatty liver has two subtypes:
Simple Fatty Liver: This is the most common type. With this type there is fat in your liver but you may not have any inflammation in your liver or damage to your liver cells. It usually doesn't get worse or cause any serious problems with your liver.
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): This is much more serious than simple fatty liver. NASH means that you have inflammation in your liver. The inflammation and liver cell damage that occur with NASH can cause serious problems such as fibrosis and cirrhosis which are types of liver scarring and liver cancer. Non-alcoholic fatty liver is caused by a combination of poor diet and genetics.
Foods to Avoid
Apart from minimizing your alcohol consumption controlling your diabetes and increasing your daily exercise here are some foods you should avoid as much as possible if you wish to reduce your chances of developing a fatty liver to begin with:
Saturated fats: These are found in fatty meats poultry with skin full-fat dairy products and tropical oils.
Sugars and refined carbohydrates: These are found in sugary drinks white bread pastries and desserts.
Bad carbs: These are found in white bread pasta and rice. They can cause blood sugar spikes and lead to fat storage in the liver.
The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet is the most highly recommended diet to help prevent and treat fatty liver. This diet includes vital lean proteins healthy fats antioxidants and good complex carbohydrates. Listed below are some of the best foods to treat a fatty liver that you should keep well stocked in your kitchen.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat and high in vitamins minerals and fiber. They can help you feel full and satisfied which can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of fatty liver disease. Some of the best fruits and vegetables to include in your diet are berries apples oranges broccoli spinach and kale.
Whole Grains
Whole grains are a good source of complex carbohydrates fiber and essential nutrients. They can help you feel full and satisfied which can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of fatty liver disease. Some of the best whole grains to include in your diet are oats brown rice quinoa and barley.
Lean Proteins
Lean proteins are a good source of essential nutrients including protein iron and zinc. They can help you build and repair muscle tissue which can help you burn more calories and lose weight. Some of the best lean proteins to include in your diet are chicken fish turkey and beans.
Fatty Fish
Fatty fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory properties. They can help reduce inflammation in the liver which can help improve liver function. Some of the best fatty fish to include in your diet are salmon tuna and mackerel.
Low-Fat Dairy
Low-fat dairy products are a good source of calcium vitamin D and other essential nutrients. They can help strengthen your bones and teeth and improve your overall health. Some of the best low-fat dairy products to include in your diet are milk yogurt and cheese.
Final Thoughts
The Mediterranean Diet may be helpful in treating and reducing fatty liver for many people but not all the foods may be suitable for you. Therefore you should check with your doctor first to see which foods are indeed safe for you to add to your diet.